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  1. Eckert SE, Hueler G, Sandler N, Elkattah R, McNeil DC. Immediately Loaded Fixed Full-Arch Implant-Retained Prosthesis: Clinical Analysis When Using a Moderate Insertion Torque. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2019 Jan 31.
  2. Eskan M. A., Yilmaz S., Uzel G. 2019 A Fixed Reconstruction of Complete Edentulous Patient with Immediate Function Using A New Implant Design: A Retrospective Clinical Study. Data presented during34th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Osseointegration’s, March 13 – 16 in Washington, USA
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  6. Heberer S, Kilic S,Hossamo J, Raguse J-D, Nelson K. Rehabilitation of irradiated patients with modified and conventional sandblasted, acid-etched implants: pre-liminary results of a split-mouth study. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22, 2011; 546–551.
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  8. Nelson, K., Stricker, A., Raguse, J.-D. and Nahles, S. (2016), Rehabilitation of irradiated patients with chemically modified and conventional SLA implants: a clinical clarification. J Oral Rehabil, 43: 871–872.
  9. Cabrera-Domínguez J, Castellanos-Cosano L, Torres-Lagares D, Machuca-Portillo G. A Prospective Case-Control Clinical Study of Titanium-Zirconium Alloy Implants with a Hydrophilic Surface in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2017 Sep/Oct;32(5):1135-1144.
  10. Buser D et al 2017 Development of Implant Stability Quotient values of implants placed with simultaneous sinus floor elevation - results of a prospective study with 109 implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2017 Jan;28(1):109-115.
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  13. Al-Nawas B, Domagala P, Fragola G, Freiberger P, Ortiz-Vigón A, Rousseau P, Tondela J A Prospective Noninterventional Study to Evaluate Survival and Success of Reduced Diameter Implants Made From Titanium-Zirconium Alloy. J Oral Implantol. 2015 Aug;41(4):e118-25.
  14. Altuna P., Lucas-Taule E., Gargallo-Albiol J., Figueras-Alvarez O., Hernandez-Alfaro F., Nart J. Clinical evidence on titanium–zirconium dental implants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Jul 2016. 45: 7, 842–850.
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  17. Benic GIet al. : Titanium-zirconium narrow-diameter versus titanium regular-diameter implants for anterior and premolar single crowns: 1-year results of a randomized controlled clinical study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2013; [Epub ahead of print]
  18. Villa O, Wohlfahrt JC, Mdla I, Petzold C, Reseland JE, Snead ML, Lyngstadaas SP. A Proline-Rich Peptide Mimic Effects of EMD in Rat Oral Mucosal Incisional Wound Healing. J Periodontol. 2015 Dec;86(12):1386-95.
  19. Guimarães GF, de Araújo VC, Nery JC, Peruzzo DC, Soares AB. Microvessel Density Evaluation of the Effect of Enamel Matrix Derivative on Soft Tissue After Implant Placement: A Preliminary Study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2015 Sep-Oct;35(5):733-8.
  20. Arweiler NB, Auschill TM, Donos N, Sculean A. Antibacterial effect of an enamel matrix protein derivative on in vivo dental biofilm vitality. Olin Oral Investig. 2002 Dec;6(4):205-9. Epub 2002 Nov 14.
  21. Tonetti MS, Fourmousis I, Suvan J, Cortellini P, Brägger U, Lang NP Healing, post-operative morbidity and patient perception of outcomes following regenerative therapy of deep intrabony defects., European Research Group on Periodontology (ERGOPERIO). J Clin Periodontol. 2004 Dec;31(12):1092-8.
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  23. Ozcelik O, Haytac MC, Seydaoglu G. Immediate post-operative effects of different periodontal treatment modalities on oral health-related quality of life: a randomized clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol. 2007 Sep;34(9):788-96.
  24. Jepsen S, Heinz B, Jepsen K, Arjomand M, Hoffmann T, Richter S, Reich E, Sculean A, Gonzales JR, Bödeker RH, Meyle J. A randomized clinical trial comparing enamel matrix derivative and membrane treatment of buccal Class II furcation involvement in mandibular molars. Part I: Study design and results for primary outcomes. J Periodontol. 2004 Aug;75(8):1150-60.
  25. Wennström JL, Lindhe J. Some effects of enamel matrix proteins on wound healing in the dento-gingival region. J Clin Periodontol. 2002 Jan;29(1):9-14. 26 C. NACK, J.-D. RAGUSE, A. STRICKER , K. NELSON & S. NAHLES. Rehabilitation of irradiated patients with chemically modified and conventional SLA implants: five-year follow-up. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2015 42; 57—64. 27 Nicolau et al. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2013 Aug;15(4):600-12.
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